PHabulous Φ Chapter at Western Michigan University
Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority Inc.
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Fall 2014 Ship: DIVINICAS- Captain Major: Biomedical Sciences Minor: Chemistry Motto: "Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express not to impress. Don't strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt." Position: President and Fundraising Chair

Fall 2014 Ship: DIVINICAS- Deuce Majors: Marketing and Spanish Minor: General Business Motto: "Nothing worth having is easily obtainable, and if it's easy its not worth it." Position: VP of Chapter Operations

Spring 2015 Ship: R.A.D.I.A.N.T.R.E.S.- Heart Major: Textile & Apparel Studies- Product Development Motto: "If it's both terrifying and amazing then you should definitely pursue it." Position: Community Service Chair and WSA Representative

Spring 2016 Ship: 9.V.I.R.T.U.D.E.S.- Captain Major: Political Science & Spanish Motto: "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light." Position: Secretary, MGC Representative

Spring 2016 Ship: 9.V.I.R.T.U.D.E.S.-Duece Major: Criminal Justice & Social Psychology Motto: "Faith and determination is what keeps me going ♥" Position: VP of Program Development

Spring 2016 Ship: 9.V.I.R.T.U.D.E.S.- Tr3 Major: Spanish and Global and International Studies with a minor in History Motto: Never give up, great things take time. Position: None

Spring 2016 Ship: 9.V.I.R.T.U.D.E.S.- Quad Major: Integrated Supply Management Motto: Go hard or go home. Position: Philanthropy Chair

Spring 2016 Ship: 9.V.I.R.T.U.D.E.S.-Sweet Six Major: Personal Financial Planning Motto: If you want something you've never had, then you've got to do something you've never done. Position: Treasurer

Spring 2016 Ship: 9.V.I.R.T.U.D.E.S.-Seven Major: Criminal Justice with minors in Chemistry, Biology, and Social Psychology Motto: "Let the universe guide you." "If Rihanna doesn't care then you shouldn't either." Position: Academic Chair and Alumni Relations Chair

Spring 2016 Ship: 9.V.I.R.T.U.D.E.S.-Chain Major: Political Science and Interpersonal Communications emphasis on Pre- Law Motto: "You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think" - A.A Milne Position: VP of Marketing

Spring 2016 Ship: 9.V.I.R.T.U.D.E.S.-Anchor Major: Biomedical Sciences with a minor in Chemistry and Spanish. Motto: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeou,s talented, and PHabulous! Actually who are we not be? You are a child of God!" Position: VP of Retention and Recruitment